

Hi there, I'm Caro, a photographer of fun families and brands based in Moncton, New Brunswick. If you get the feeling that we do things a little differently around here: you'd be right. My approach to shooting does not involve matching outfits, props or a posing playbook. In fact, you can expect quite the opposite. Our time together will be relaxed and fun and your images will celebrate you as you are- whatever that looks like. Sound good? I can’t wait to tell your family’s unique story or create awesome content to elevate your brand.


Irrational fear? Sharks.

I love tattoos, but can't commit to one...yet.

Happy place? P.E.I.

I'm notoriously terrible at making menu choices.

Favourite movie? Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain.

Snack of choice? Stale popcorn.

I'm a proud 2007 Mount A grad.

Guilty pleasure? Bob Ross re-runs.

Dislikes? Country music, card games and bigotry.

Special skill? Accents.


Just a gal from Montreal who fell in love in (and with) the Maritimes. I'm a mom of girls, lucky wife, dog person, street-art lover, compulsive beachcomber, book devourer, impromptu dance-off starter and recovering type-A. My camera has followed me waist-deep into the ocean, flying down a zip line and on many other gnarly adventures that would horrify my parents.  I'll stop the car for a photo in the weirdest places, cry on cue at most commercials and take a hug over a handshake any day. (You've been warned!)

Thank you Kandise Brown for my homepage and contact page headshots. High fives to studio Photo AFN, Julie Audoux and Molly Isle for those featured above.